“Beginning strength training in my mid-fifties was the best thing I ever did for myself. Now that I am retired, I continue my regular workouts in order to stay healthy and physically fit. Trevor Anderson has designed a
program that maintains my core strength, muscle tone, balance, and agility. Whether you are 6 or 60, Trevor
will take an active interest in your health and will help you become Better Every Day™.”
“Hello I'm Kevin Hall, and I am a professional golfer. When I started working with Trevor Anderson, I was not a flexible golfer and lacked the strength needed to play the game at the highest level. Since then, Trevor has helped me increase my range of motion as well as strength, and I can now hit the ball further and have more energy towards the end of my rounds. If Trevor can help me, I know he can help you.“
"Trevor is a passionate and enthusiastic leader in the world he works in. He has a desire to improve daily and makes all those around him eager to learn and push forward. He's a classy, stand-up young man with a bright future."
"Trevor Anderson is one of the most driven and passionate athletes and trainers I have ever come across. Trevor's commitment to the "Better Every Day" credo was so powerful that it soon became the motto of the entire SlamBall training camp. I would urge anyone pursuing a commitment to fitness and personal development to seek out Trevor's services immediately."